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Route length 3 days

Living northern Marche, infinite beauty: unique artistic and natural heritage.

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The experience

It is almost impossible to describe the thousand nuances of the only plural region in Italy!

But if you put a departure date on your agenda to come to “your land”, we will prepare a tailor made program for you to experience (at least some) first hand, exciting you from the first moment. We know that you are a special traveler and we know how to make the most of this experience.

The Marche, in the center of Italy and overlooking the Adriatic Sea, already from its name suggests the numerous souls that populate it, despite having homogeneous values and visions: it is the “spread region” par excellence (the percentage of the population spread across different territories is among the highest in Italy) and through our proposals we can offer you multi-sensory, accessible, authentic and genuine tourism, attentive to every type of need and desire.

In this itinerary, mentioning recommended some key elements, but completely customizable, we facilitate your return to the origins through footprint that will go across the NORTH of the region. You will bring home infinite beauty, positive experiences, human relationships, a sense of community and tastes of the present, past, future... while you immerse yourself in unique places, among panoramas, languages, flavors, art.

The proposed experiences will touch the five senses, and will also satisfy safety and comfort needs, particularly important for people with disabilities and their companions (In the multiplicity of museums, theatres, beaches, accommodation facilities available, our tours are organized in compliance with all the types of difficulties, therefore, by reporting it in advance, you will be able to fully enjoy the proposed itineraries and participate in cultural events without particular barriers)


Conero Riviera



From Ancona/Falconara airport, they will take the “Italea Marche” vehicle to the north.

Urbino is our first destination: to welcome us, one of the most important centers of Renaissance art and architecture, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998.

Of course, the Ducal Palace and the Cathedral will be visited, but it is not only the rich cultural heritage that guides us. During the Urbino stop, for interested groups, we can also schedule meetings at one of the oldest universities in Europe, with experts in the sociology of tourism, in which we can reflect on how a journey of the roots, both for those who welcome and those who arrive, can incentivize eco-sustainable, responsible and inclusive forms of tourism, enhancing areas unrelated to tourism mainstream; we will learn more about the similarities between tourism and migration, the long-distance interactions between those who stay and those who go across borders, and understand how to cultivate, together, memory and knowledge of the area

At the end of the trip, you will not only have strengthened your your image as an Ambassador of the Region, but you will also be proud to represent a true role as a cultural mediation, a valuable bridge between two worlds!

Impossible to leave this first area without having:

  • Visited the Musaa, Museum of the History of Agriculture and Crafts of Urbania, a witness to local peasant and artisan culture with an extensive collection of wheat, vine and wine cycles;
  • Savored the diamond of the Italian table: the truffle. Cradle of this extraordinary tuber, the Montefeltro area hosts important international fairs every year, such as those in the town of Acqualagna (which holds the distinction of Truffle Capital) or the neighboring town of Sant’Angelo in Vado. We also plan a meeting with a truffle hunter and his precious searching companion; followed by demonstration and cooking show or visit to the booths, during fair time.
  • Visited the municipalities of Pergola, city of the Golden Bronzes, and Frontone, a delightful medieval village inland, meeting with municipal administrations and a local association that has always maintained relations with its emigrants in North America and Northern Europe, and learning about interesting “sound migration” projects
  • Had lunch at a historic osteria with unavoidable truffle dishes
  • Dedicated time to a visit to the Furlo Gorge State Nature Reserve

For the overnight stay we move to the coast, and for those who have not yet had enough of beauty, aromas and flavors, before arriving at the b&b in the village of Fiorenzuola di Focara, is scheduled to stop at a winery that has vineyards in the Natural Park of the Mount San Bartolo a few kilometers from the gates of Pesaro (During the summer season a vineyard is open for sunset aperitifs: in a spectacular setting you can taste different wines paired with raw materials from local farms associated with the selected farm)

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Leaving the green and rolling hilly areas, we move toward the coast.

A morning in Pesaro is not enough to fully discover one of the region’s most active towns and Capital of Culture 2024, but it will at least allow us to:

  • Visit the Rossini Conservatory, now one of Italy’s most prestigious music schools, and the beautiful Rossini Theater, which hosts one of the world’s most famous opera festivals, both of which bear the name of Pesaro’s most illustrious citizen, Gioacchino Rossini, an important Italian composer of the first half of the 19th century and one of the greatest opera composers in the history of music
  • Getting on the bike by following the lines of the Bicipolitana that runs throughout the city: an all-Pesaro project developed over the years to make the city “bike friendly” (For non-bikers, other optional city tours are offered, from People’s Square to the waterfront, from the Civic Museums and former Pescheria to the St. John’s Library. Those who are really bike lovers, however, can continue the excellent bike path to Fano, the next stop; many of the sections of the path are practically on the beach, so, in summer, a stop for a dive into the sea!)

Bronze spherical sculpture lying on water, nicknamed


Arrival at Fano for lunch, to enjoy a brodetto alla fanese, typical dish of the Adriatic seafood cuisine and then conclude with the famous Moretta fanese, drinks made with coffee, rum, aniseed, and cognac, which originated among sailors and fishermen in the harbor, who took corrected and very hot drinks to warm and invigorate themselves before going to sea.

Fano is a well-known seaside resort in the northern Marche region, famous for its Carnival , the oldest in Italy, which is celebrated with masks, costumes, the famous getto, or throwing quintals of sweets from the floats floats, music and parades of floats: imposing papier-mâché and foam rubber constructions up to 16 meters high. Not-to-be-missed event for visitors in February time.

Allegorical float featuring


For dinnertime we will move to the capital city, but not before a guided tour of the Museum of Resistance in Falconara, which tracks the course of the “war of resistance” that many of our fellow countrymen, perhaps before they made the brave choice to emigrate, experienced.

Ancona and Conero Riviera

The third day will take us on a closer look at Ancona, the capital of the region, to explore the natural and cultural beauty in the surrounding area, along the coast, to a manufacturing district, a source of regional pride throughout the world.

After an overnight stay in a hotel that directly overlooks the city’s harbor and offers tasting menus paired with excellent local wines, the city tour touches on the major points of interest, from Le Muse Theater to Passetto, the Cathedral of San Ciriaco and the various meeting squares of all generations, always accompanied by a passionate tour escort as well as a profound connoisseur of Ancona and the dynamics of migratory flows to South America and beyond.

Church of San Ciriaco in Ancona. Medieval church in the Roman style.

For lunch we move to Numana, a delightful town belonging to the Conero Riviera, a project partner that brings together 18 municipalities, wonders and activities to be carried out in this area of the Conero, the name of the promontory that drops steeply to the sea, surrounded by beautiful beaches and bays.

Here to personally welcome root travelers we will find the first citizen who with friendly anecdotes about some departures accompanies us to a restaurant with breathtaking views of the sea and typical dishes of shellfish, fried local fresh fish, and white wines with distinct flavor.

View of the Conero Riviera. Vegetation, mountain and sea.

After lunch, we take you to meet the pearl of the coastline, the Portonovo Bay, whose beach laps an emerald-green sea and preserves ancient treasures, and after a stop on the Monte Conero, we continue on to Sirolo, another pretty seaside resort overlooking the sea. (And for the more energetic, who do not opt for an afternoon siesta in the shade of sea pines, a self-drive visit to Polverigi e Offagna, with their imposing fortresses (The most important event to report in Offagna, listed among Italy’s Most Beautiful Villages and Orange Flags, is the characteristic Medieval Festival that enlivens the town in July)




Continuing in the afternoon, we move on to Castelfidardo, the world capital of the accordion, an instrument to which is dedicated an interesting International Museum . “Sound and poetry, in the breath of the accordion are concentrated 2 centuries of craftsmanship excellence.”

Hands of a Castelfidardo craftsman building an accordion

A masterpiece of mechanics and craftsmanship, present today on stages on 5 continents. In addition to the museum, an experiential visit to a major manufacturer of the instrument is planned before a typical dinner at a typical tavern.

Address: via C. Mordini 1 – Castelfidardo AN Phone: +39 0717808288. E-mail: Internet:

Customizable next steps

The tour can continue according to personal interests, inclinations and needs. Additional help among the municipal or parish archives, a visit to the cemetery or an invigorating aperitif in Square to closely resurface memories and testimonies: there are a variety of options available to enrich the tour with other indelible memories and pieces that allow you to “rebuild,” constantly marveling and sinking more and more of your roots into this territory.

With us, you can personalize your time in Le Marche., with concentrates of nature, history, art, culture, wellness, outdoor activities, spirituality…your origins are imbued with all of the above!

(Suggested excursions to the Frasassi Caves, to dive into unique underground karst caves found within the Gola della Rossa and Frasassi Regional Natural Park -certified with the European Sustainable Tourism Charter-. or to Morro d’Alba to taste one of the Region’s most original and aromatic grape varieties)

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