
Sound Migrations 2024: a journey through Music, Traditions and Italian Roots

18 September 2024

4 minutes

On 16 September 2024, Pergola and Frontone were the scene of a unique event: Sound Migrations 2024 – At the roots, a day of celebration of cultural and musical traditions, organized as part of the Year of Roots Tourism.
With the aim of enhancing the link between Italian-descendants in the world and their origins, the event saw the participation of a group of one hundred Italian-Canadians from Québec, welcomed in the heart of the Marche region to rediscover their Italian roots through music, culture and local food and wine.

A day of workshops and traditions

The day began in Frontone, where the Italian-Canadians were welcomed by the mayor Daniele Tagnani.
After the greetings of the mayor, a guided tour of the castle followed, entirely in French, and a small breakfast with a panoramic view of the city.

The program continued in Pergola with the “Roots Workshops” organized by Italea Marche, which offered participants the precious opportunity to learn and rediscover the history and food and wine heritage of the Marche.
After the visit to the evocative Museum of the Gilded Bronzes, the participants were able to immerse themselves in a unique culinary experience, tasting typical local products of the highest quality.
This moment was organized in collaboration with the Cosa c’è Dop project and Food Brand Marche, at the Mai dire bar in Pergola, a meeting place between authentic flavors and ancient traditions.

Celebrating musical roots

In the afternoon, the city of Pergola offered visitors an immersion in its artistic and architectural beauties, thanks to the Pro Loco.
But the beating heart of the day was undoubtedly the moment dedicated to music.
At the Angel dal Foco Theater, Marco Calliari, a famous exponent of Italian music in Québec, inaugurated the photographic exhibition that celebrates his thirty years of musical career in Québec.
An exhibition that tells the personal and artistic journey of a man deeply linked to his Italian roots, which will be open until the end of September.

The musical tribute to Claude Barzotti, another icon of Italian-Canadian music, marked one of the most exciting moments of the day.
Barzotti, who grew up in Pesaro and became a true legend in Belgium and Québec, was celebrated through an extraordinary performance by Calliari and other artists such as Stefano “Borrkia” Toncelli, Lapo Marliani of Matti delle Giuncaie and the brothers Julian and Pablo Corradini.
This tribute underlined the importance of the link between roots and art, celebrating how Italian culture has gone beyond national borders to become an integral part of the cultural life of many countries around the world.

A journey through the flavors of the Marche region

The day ended with a typical dinner at the Hotel Giardino in San Lorenzo in Campo, where the participants were able to taste the best products of the Marche region.
The menu included emblematic dishes such as crescia di Frontone De.Co., stuffed with cured meats from the Marche region, casciotta d’Urbino and maccheroncini di Campofilone with black summer truffle from Pergola.
All accompanied by extra virgin olive oil from Frantoio Agostini and the famous sour cherry wine, a true local excellence.

The journey continues: from the Marche to Quebec

But Migrazioni Sonore 2024 does not stop there.
In October, the project will fly to Montréal, Quebec, for the second phase of the initiative.
There, an institutional and cultural delegation from the Marche region, together with Michelin-starred chef Stefano Ciotti, will be welcomed during the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, from 26 to 30 October.
It will be the perfect opportunity to spread the knowledge of typical Marche products overseas, celebrating once again the link between Italian roots and Italian-descendant communities.

A project for the future

Organized by the Municipality of Pergola, with the artistic direction of Salty Music APS and the support of Italea Marche, Migrazioni Sonore 2024 represented an extraordinary opportunity to rediscover and celebrate the cultural, musical and food and wine heritage of the Marche region, while strengthening ties with Italian-descendant communities scattered around the world.
This project has shown how Italian roots, although distant, can be a source of inspiration and pride for the new generations of Italian-descendants.

With this initiative, the Marche region confirms itself as a region of excellence, capable of looking to the future by enhancing its traditions. Pergola and Frontone, in particular, become ambassadors of a cultural heritage that, as demonstrated, is alive and constantly evolving.

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