Theater Annual

Risorgimarche (Rise again Marche): author music festival surrounded by nature. Only in the Marche!

descrizione immagine

Luogo:Grottazzolina (FM)

€ (economic)


Risorgimarche is an inclusive and eco-sustainable music festival, widespread in the areas of the Marche affected by the earthquake.

The objective is to create moments of sharing and meeting between people from all over Italy (and beyond), to highlight those areas little considered by public opinion, to make known their beauty, their capacity for hospitality and to make their closeness to the communities affected by the earthquake and floods.

There are no stages or artificial lights, but only meadows and villages to reach on foot or by bicycle where you can spend an afternoon in the company of Italian and international artists.

You will always be accompanied by one of our environmental hiking guides who knows the various corners of this beautiful area well.

It is surprising when, at the end of the concert, not even a piece of paper is found on the ground: the audience is more disciplined and respectful than ever, immersed in the beauty of a nature that can only be preserved and not damaged.

A regenerative moment for body and spirit and a lesson in civic sense and extreme respect for what surrounds us.

This also means getting closer to the mentality and approach of the Marche people, getting to know them closely and bringing home something of their resilience and truly virtuous good practices.

The events planned for the eighth edition will be located in all 5 provinces of the Marche, between mid-July and August, mark your diary if you love good music and outdoor.


13 July 23

12 August 23


18:00 - 20:00

Information/To know

Location/The place


Parco della Rimembranza, 15, Grottazzolina, FM, Italia

How to get there

Once you have left your motor vehicles in the dedicated car parks, travel a few kilometers along the road to reach the concert area.

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TAM- Tutta un’altra musica
